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Hey there, I am Stephania! I like staring into space and day dreaming all day long. I am just here trying to survive this confusion.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Trust-(noun) reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of person or thing; confidence.
Confidence-(noun) belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence.

It has been said to trust one self,
to be confident in one self,
and to have high hopes and dreams for one self.
But do you dare try it?
Do you dare to fall
and stubble back up?
Do you dare to ask for help?
Sometimes it's good to please yourself
and give others a big number one.

Happy-(adjective) delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing.

Happiness happens with the smallest actions.
Reaching your goals
(the ones you set up for yourself)
realizing you are capable of so much
pleases us.
You have to trust yourself
in falling
in rising
in trusting
in self confidence.
As small as you may start,
everything evolve as you please.
As you make it to be seen.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Wishing time never ends
Setting my mind again
When once that time began
&& where it also ends.


Holding grudges.
Common in everyone,
yet not admit-able by many.
Many things happen for a reason
either by choice or by destiny.
Destiny is viewed in many ways.
You just have to learn,
how to view yourself.
In a way were you release
those evil grudges.
Against yourself.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Forgive & Forget?

Is it wrong to forget but not forgive.
Is it a grudge,
or is it moving forward?
You don't forget when you forgive.
Yet, when you forget to forgive
you forgot it.